Monday, 20 August 2012

Slide by Clare Brass, SEED Foundation

I have a dream....   Clare Brass, SEED Foundtion

“Desirability is somethingthat advocates ofsustainable developmentare not very good at”- Jonathon Porrit, Forum for the Future

But designers are different
Experience and knowledge from different areas
Imagining new scenarios and visualising them
Quick and easy trying things out
Thinking of people
Building connections between things and people

Can designers use their skills to earn living out of tackling social or environmental problems?

What is Design?
people focused discipline tackling material problems and facilitating connections.

Does design have to only support traditional business?
What about social business?
Profit making businesses that trade in goods and services for social or environmental benefit.


By transforming products and services and making them
more visible
more desirable
more easy to use

Ways to intervene in system

1. Re­-thinking objects

• add value by reducing waste
• design to recycle and re-manufacture
• design products to last
• design out toxicity

2. Re-thinking the way people do things

• improve feedback from infrastructure
• redesign interaction with infrastructure
• redesign the infrastructure itself

3. Re-thinking the links between people
• public sector
• private sector
• people / third sector

No-­one want to act alone. People need to act together to solve some of the key environmental and social issues of our day

Design - Food Cycle
One Man’s Waste is another’s resource?
In your school?
Young people, older people?
In your community?
People? Places? Recycling?

"The time has come for us all to think about our waste and what we do about it."

Case Study / Example - food loop:

An experiment in linking people, business and government to tackle the urban food-­‐waste problem.

The food­‐waste problem:
• Food waste one of largest fractions of waste stream (18 – 40%) 
• UK households produce 6.7m tonnes FW year
• Food waste in landfill generates methane
• 3% UK G.G. Emissions from landfill sites (aviaBon 6%)

The pain / opportunity
• European legislation making f/w very expensive
• Food waste collection difficult in inner city flats
• Under‐used public spaces in these environments
• Strong link between food waste and food growing, that could happen in those spaces
• Current value of food waste £135/te and growing

But we found another issue…

• homeless people struggle to return to work
• 79% want to work. 7% actually manage
• many housed in government housing
• high numbers of unemployment

So there is ready labour supply exactly where it it most difficult to manage food waste

To get every housing estate in Britain composting food-­‐waste on site and using the compost to grow fruit and vegetables.

We set out to:

• Design service in response to this environmental challenge
• And the business case to make it financially sustainable, and repeatable

the artifact

How it works:

As a result:
* Resident taking ownership of their recycling
* Re-framing food waste as a resource 

What to look for meta issues and trends:
Here are just a few to think about…
Habitat destruction
Soil erosion
Introduction of non-native species
Biodiversity loss
Photosynthetic ceiling

What to look for local issues and trends
- social / cultural - what is going on in the ether?
Eg, Unemployment, rural to urban migration, homelessness, singles, working mothers, religion…etc
- political - where is money being invested?
Control over food, liscencing, hygiene, etc
- economic – where are the current flows of money?
- technological –
Eg - social media, pollution, smart phones

What I want you to do
I want you to create an enterprise (business idea – something that generates income) that somehow joins up one or more macro or local issue.

What I don’t want you to do
I don’t want an app or a product or a food cart or a
campaign, although all these things might be tools that make your system work 

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