Developing copy for your website is therefore a job that should not be taken on lightly. Here are 5 keys to help hold your readers' attention and convert them to sales and sign-ups on your site.
1) Your Headliner
It takes a matter of seconds for visitors to form an opinion of your site. Many factors will come into play, such as speed of download, graphics etc, so you'll need to grab their attention quickly before they
click off the site. A few words that stand out from the background, graphics and the rest of your text will draw the readers' eye ~ this is your chance to make an impact and keep them on the site. It should be something that compels the reader to want to find out more.
2) Develop Interest
Identify with the reader and let them know that you understand how they feel about the challenges they face. Hint that you have a solution to their problem. This will hook your visitor in, and you can enhance ts effect by using keywords and hot buttons to fire the reader's' desire to find out more.
3) Reveal the details
Show the reader your solution and how it will solve their problems and/or meet their goals. Then hit hem with additional benefits as to how what you have to offer will exceed their expectations. Use testimonials that verify the strength of the product or service you are offering. Again use keywords and hot buttons that appeal to the readers' emotions, and remember people buy on emotion not logic.
Show the reader your solution and how it will solve their problems and/or meet their goals. Then hit hem with additional benefits as to how what you have to offer will exceed their expectations. Use testimonials that verify the strength of the product or service you are offering. Again use keywords and hot buttons that appeal to the readers' emotions, and remember people buy on emotion not logic.
4) Call to Action
No marketing copy is complete without a strong call to action. It is the final push to close the
sale that should be lined with incentives. The benefits should be highlighted and the reader urged to take action. You could even mention the consequences of not taking action ~ a deal always looks better when someone is taking it back away from you!
5) Be Professional!
In the eyes of the reader, the professionalism of your copy reflects the professionalism
In the eyes of the reader, the professionalism of your copy reflects the professionalism
of its owner, and the more professional it is the more confident the reader is of you and your intentions. Make sure you run copy through a grammar & spell checker before uploading it to your site.
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