Thursday 21 June 2012

What Can a Multimedia Design Project Be?

The two slides below (Key Features of Multimedia Design Project & Kinds of Multimedia Design Works) listed the key points that I've extracted from lecturer note.

Example of the video work that i can think of will be:
1, my senior's work - Yap Ah Loy (live comments by audience displaying throughout the video)
2. a YouTube video - Life In A Day (users generated movie) watch the video here

An interesting example of sampling the environment that i can give is Pinkie Colour Forecast watch the video here

While my project will be #10 - commercial practices kind of work.

Best commercial practice refers to the methods, processes, procedures, systems, and/or usage that is commonly implemented in the business world and that is generally agreed to have produced the most satisfactory or desirable results on a consistent basis.
* definition from:

* read more information about this topic at My Note: What can a Multimedia Design Project be?

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